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Brachychiton rupestris

Queensland Bottle Tree

"Alcheringa", Goulburn Valley Highway,, SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 - Property No T11119

Rare or Localised: A tree of a species or variety that is rare or of very localised distribution. Planted in 1936, the tree is a fine specimen unusual in cultivation in Victoria. The tree is well-shaped and has developed its typical swollen trunk. It occurs amongst Brachychiton populneus, Grevillea robusta and Eucalyptus ficifolia. The planting has an interesting although somewhat tragic background. The son of the previous owners, Mr & Mrs Bankin, perished on a ... more



Brachychiton rupestris

Queensland Bottle Tree

'Bontharambo', 387 Boorhaman Road,, WANGARATTA VIC 3677 - Property No T11213

Contribution to the landscape Outstanding size The Queensland Bottle Tree is endemic to a limited region of Australia; Central Queensland through to northern New South Wales. These are two mature trees display characteristic swollen trunks, and are the largest and oldest known examples in Victoria. Joseph Docker moved his family to the Wangaratta area in 1838, ten years after his arrival in Australia, and took up the 'Bontharambo run' and it is thought the plantings ... more



Brachychiton rupestris

Queensland Bottle Tree

Carmody Road,, TOOLLEEN VIC 3551 - Property No T11215

Rare or localised Outstanding example of species Located in the grounds of a deserted mud brick farmhouse, this tree is remarkable for its almost globular trunk, although the tree exhibits slight splitting of the trunk on the NE side. Other trees on the site include Ceratonia siliqua and Brachychiton populneus. This tree is located 500m from the roadside on private land, Carmody Road, Toolleen. Measurements: 15/03/1997 Spread (m): 8 ... more

